The speciality of Oral Surgery deals with the removal of unviable, non-erupted or partially impacted teeth, management of small lesions and soft tissues injuries.
Wysdom teeth begin their development around 10 years old, and usually their eruption occurs between 17 and 25 years old.
The incorrect eruption of wysdom teeth leads to the development of recurring infections and cavities in the adjacente teeth.
They can also cause inflammation of the surounding soft tissues (pericoronaritis), which symptons can include pain and swelling.
Furthermore, partially erupted or impacted wysdom teeth are associated with the developement of tumors and cysts and bone reabsorption which may require a more complex treatment.
Dental impaction also occurs in other teeth besides the wysdom teeth, being the canines the most frequent teeth.
Contemplating surgery may be necessary to expose and guide the impacted canine to its position in the dental arch, since the canine is primordial for a dinamic balanced occlusion.
One of the most prevalent soft tissue surgery is the frenectomy. This surgery is required when the labial or lingual frenum are closely attached to the lips or the tipo f the tongue, respectively. The frenum have been found to be associated with loss of papilla, recession, diastema, difficulty in brushing and speech.
Oral Pathology deals with the diagnosis and management of pathology of the hard and soft tissues of the orofacial region including mouth and salivary glands; and of chronic and acute pain conditions as trigeminal neuralgia or burning mouth syndrome.
The early detection of oral cancer is fundamental. It is extremely important to visit an oral surgeon for a differential diagnosis of oral cancer, to establish the benignity or increasing potential malignancy of the oral lesions.
The biopsy is the most common procedure to detect and correctly diagnose the cystic and tumoral pathologies. It consists in the removal of the complete lesion or part of the lesion under local anaesthetic, for an histologic diagnosis.
Once these lesions often develop silently, i tis recommended to visIt the oral surgeon once a year.
The surgical procedures can be performed under oral sedation to reduce patients anxiety. It is helpful for patients who have fear or phobia of visiting the dentist, allowing a more confortable and relaxed experience.
Wysdom teeth begin their development around 10 years old, and usually their eruption occurs between 17 and 25 years old.
The incorrect eruption of wysdom teeth leads to the development of recurring infections and cavities in the adjacente teeth.
They can also cause inflammation of the surounding soft tissues (pericoronaritis), which symptons can include pain and swelling.
Furthermore, partially erupted or impacted wysdom teeth are associated with the developement of tumors and cysts and bone reabsorption which may require a more complex treatment.
Dental impaction also occurs in other teeth besides the wysdom teeth, being the canines the most frequent teeth.
Contemplating surgery may be necessary to expose and guide the impacted canine to its position in the dental arch, since the canine is primordial for a dinamic balanced occlusion.
One of the most prevalent soft tissue surgery is the frenectomy. This surgery is required when the labial or lingual frenum are closely attached to the lips or the tipo f the tongue, respectively. The frenum have been found to be associated with loss of papilla, recession, diastema, difficulty in brushing and speech.
Oral Pathology deals with the diagnosis and management of pathology of the hard and soft tissues of the orofacial region including mouth and salivary glands; and of chronic and acute pain conditions as trigeminal neuralgia or burning mouth syndrome.
The early detection of oral cancer is fundamental. It is extremely important to visit an oral surgeon for a differential diagnosis of oral cancer, to establish the benignity or increasing potential malignancy of the oral lesions.
The biopsy is the most common procedure to detect and correctly diagnose the cystic and tumoral pathologies. It consists in the removal of the complete lesion or part of the lesion under local anaesthetic, for an histologic diagnosis.
Once these lesions often develop silently, i tis recommended to visIt the oral surgeon once a year.
The surgical procedures can be performed under oral sedation to reduce patients anxiety. It is helpful for patients who have fear or phobia of visiting the dentist, allowing a more confortable and relaxed experience.