Temporo-Manbibular Disorder relates to a pool of signs and symptoms affecting the temporo-mandibular joint and its muscles.
Usually, it causes migraine, ear and neck pain, muscle spams, limited mouth opening, click and crepitation, and pain while opening and closing the mouth.
It is often noted an abnormal tooth wear in these temporo-mandibular disordes related with muscles spams or hyperactivity.
Temporo-mandibular disorders are intrinsic features of clenchers and grinding patients (parafunctional habits), patients who suffered trauma to the face in the mandible region, patients with a mal-occlusion or incorrect position of the jaws and in patients with chronic illness such as rheumatic arthritis or lupus or systemic diseases that might tamper with the integrity of the soft tissues surrounding the tempo-mandibular joint.
These disorders might be treated with medication, occlusal appliance therapy, physio and thermotherapy, acupuncture, biofeedback (functional electric stimulation) – Grindcare – or even surgery, although in specific and restricted indications.
Nevertheless, the first approach is always the most conservative therapy, and the surgery is only in more advanced situations.
Usually, it causes migraine, ear and neck pain, muscle spams, limited mouth opening, click and crepitation, and pain while opening and closing the mouth.
It is often noted an abnormal tooth wear in these temporo-mandibular disordes related with muscles spams or hyperactivity.
Temporo-mandibular disorders are intrinsic features of clenchers and grinding patients (parafunctional habits), patients who suffered trauma to the face in the mandible region, patients with a mal-occlusion or incorrect position of the jaws and in patients with chronic illness such as rheumatic arthritis or lupus or systemic diseases that might tamper with the integrity of the soft tissues surrounding the tempo-mandibular joint.
These disorders might be treated with medication, occlusal appliance therapy, physio and thermotherapy, acupuncture, biofeedback (functional electric stimulation) – Grindcare – or even surgery, although in specific and restricted indications.
Nevertheless, the first approach is always the most conservative therapy, and the surgery is only in more advanced situations.